Slidev allows you to have access to virtually all open-source icon sets directly in your markdown after installing the corresponding package. Powered by unplugin-icons
and Iconify.
The naming follows Iconify's convention of {collection-name}-{icon-name}
. For example:
<mdi-account-circle />
- from Material Design Icons -@iconify-json/mdi
<carbon-badge />
- from Carbon -@iconify-json/carbon
<uim-rocket />
- from Unicons Monochrome -@iconify-json/uim
<twemoji-cat-with-tears-of-joy />
- from Twemoji -@iconify-json/twemoji
<logos-vue />
- from SVG Logos -@iconify-json/logos
- And much more...
Browse and search for all the icons available with Icônes.
Styling Icons
You can style the icons just like other HTML elements. For example:
<uim-rocket />
<uim-rocket class="text-3xl text-red-400 mx-2" />
<uim-rocket class="text-3xl text-orange-400 animate-ping" />