VS Code Extension
The VS Code extension provides some features to help you better organize your slides and have a quick overview of them.
- Preview slides in the side panel
- Slides tree view
- Re-ordering slides
- Folding for slide blocks
- Multiple slides project support
- Start the dev server with one click
You can install the extension from the VS Code Marketplace or the Open VSX Registry.
Click the Slidev
icon in the activity bar to open the Slidev panel. In the Slidev panel, you can see the projects tree view, slides tree view, and the preview webview.
In the projects tree view, you can see all the Slidev projects in your workspace. You can click the item to open the corresponding file, and click the icon over it to switch the active project. The icon allows you to load a slides project that wasn't scanned automatically.
In the slides tree view, you can see all the slides in the active project. You can click the item to move your cursor to the slide in the editor, and drag and drop to reorder the slides.
In the preview webview, you can click the icon to start the dev server and click the icon to open the slides in the browser. Toggle icon to sync/unsync the preview navigation with the editor cursor.
There are also some commands you can use. Type Slidev
in the command palette to see them.
You can add glob patterns to the slidev.include
configuration to include files as Slidev entries. The default value is ["**/*.md"]
. Example:
"slidev.include": ["**/presentation.md"]